Friday, December 3, 2010

friday fabric focus - {christmas-y this&that}

Today's fff is on some fabrics that have somehow a Christmas-y feel.
Surprisingly I got both prints in local brick-and-mortar fabric shops in Berlin! (The Bella Solid 'Fig Tree Cream' however I got online...). Can't wait to sew with the KOKKA matryoshka dolls (the print's name was chopped off) and the tossed mistletoes 'Fresh aire' print by BJ Lantz for STUDIOe fabrics is so great that I think I shlould have gotten more of it...:)
Wouldn't they make a good mug rug?
Heute gibt's ein paar weihnachtlich angehauchte Stöffchen.
Erstaunlicherweise habe ich beide Druckstoffe in hiesigen Stoffgeschäften ergattert! (Den Bella Solid 'Fig Tree Cream' hab ich allerdings wieder online geordert). Mir juckt es wirklich in den Fingern, etwas mit den Matrjoschkas von KOKKA (jap. Stoffhersteller, Rest der Info auf der Webkante ist im Laden geblieben) und den Mistelzweigen, die zur 'Fresh aire' Kollektion von BJ Lantz für STUDIOe fabrics gehören, zu nähen.
Wie wär's mit einem Mistel-Matrjoschka-Mug-Rug?


  1. A soothing color combination. They'd make darling mug rugs!

  2. A perfect mug rug combo! I've been thinking about doing a mug rug too -- maybe after Christmas!

  3. Your blog is darling! I am a quilter as well. Love your DD album so far! Can't wait to see more now that I am a follower!

  4. Thank you for the kind words about my Fresh Aire pattern :-) Now I have to look up "mug rug"! LOL

  5. Lovely fabrics that would bee perfect to those cute mug-rug that almost everyone makes now before Christmas :)

    Good luck!


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