Friday, December 3, 2010

december daily - {day 3}

Today's story {translation of the journaling}:

somehow embarassing: after we painted our living room last year, all of the walls remained bare... and because this shouldn't be a permanent state, we bought some white frames about half a year ago, for which holger should have made photos. should. until today they were still 'naked'. and everytime we had guests they stood out...
so i decided today to find a decorative but yet quick & simple solution for the holiday season ~ tadaa! now two striped pieces work of art are gracing our walls. there you go!
Die 'Story' von heute ist im gescrappten Layout festgehalten. Beim Klick auf's Bild kann man den Text besser lesen...


  1. Ah, gute Idee! Bei uns ist es so, dass die Wände ein Jahr nach dem Einzug noch recht "undekoriert" sind, weil wir uns nicht so recht einigen können, was denn jetzt da drauf kommt :)

  2. Sweet! simple & lovely.

    ps- come see my Deutsch preschool quilt... w.i.p.

    "meine schulfreunde unch ich"

    : )

  3. super idee und sieht klasse aus!!

  4. Wow! That's really clever Julia! And perfect for Christmas.

  5. Great idea and love how you captured the story.

  6. Hey Julia! What a quick and clever decorating idea! I love your white frames! Another quick decorating idea I saw somewhere was a frame with fabric backing and a display of pretty buttons ... perfect for a stitching! :0) Hope you're staying warm as winter sets in and that you manage to find some stitching time to relax. Bear Hugs! KRIS


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