Ich mag den Random Integer Generator nicht so gerne, da bin ich altmodisch. Also habe ich - langsam kann ich schon sagen: wie immer ;o) - die Namen ausgedruckt, klein geschnipselt und in den Giveaway-Gewinnerzieh-Beutel getan, den ich von Maike zu Weihnachten bekommen habe. Der Beutel vom letzten Giveaway war heute zu klein... Ich habe sogar meine Augen geschlossen, damit auch die höchst-mögliche Unvoreingenommenheit gewahrt würde ;o).
Sooo...und jetzt, ohne viel Blablah, nenne ich die Gewinner...: *trommelwirbel*
One word: overwhelming...! More than 80 comments, so many nice words from bloggers and non-bloggers from Germany, USA, Canada, Spain, UK, Australia, Austria, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Netherlands, Brazil... {I hope I haven't missed anybody...if so, please bear with me!!!}. I don't like the random integer generator that much, I'm kind of old-fashioned...and doing it the way I do is much more fun for me ;o). So I printed all names (+ second chances), cut them apart, and put them into the giveaway draw bag which I got for Christmas from Maike. The rusty thread catcher from the last giveaway was too small ... I even closed my eyes in order to be as impartial as possible ;o). Well...without further ado and blah blah I announce the winners....*drumroll*

The little doll quilt goes to... {btw, Holger named it KitchenQuilt because it moved to the kitchen for taking the picture}
Congrats, Sista! ;o)
The "kit" for the 'Town Square Table Topper' (incl. Heritage charm pack and some fabric for the binding) will soon wait to be stitched by:
Das Australian Homespun Magazine, The Pink Issue wird bald auf Reisen gehen zu:
The Australian Homespun Magazine, The Pink Issue will soon make its journey to:
The Australian Homespun Magazine, The Pink Issue will soon make its journey to:

An die beiden deutschen Gewinnerinnen: Bitte sendet mir doch Eure Adresse zu, dann kann ich die Preise nächste Woch der Post übergeben {und feste die Daumen drücken, dass die gelben Männer die Umschläge auch wieder herausrücken...}
Congratulations, girls! I'm really sorry that I can't give all of you a little prize...I hope you aren't too disappointed and come back eventually ;o). There sure will be another giveaway in the future...!
Jo, please send me your snail mail address so your quilt can start its journey to the other end of the world...
Happy stitching,