Und jetzt zu erfreulicheren Dingen & zu dem, was Euch eigentlich interessiert ;o):
Mein kleines Giveaway ist nun geschlossen & ich hab auch die Gewinnerin gezogen. O.K., ich mach's diesmal wirklich kurz und darf bekannt geben, dass die wunderbare, produktive
Mein kleines Giveaway ist nun geschlossen & ich hab auch die Gewinnerin gezogen. O.K., ich mach's diesmal wirklich kurz und darf bekannt geben, dass die wunderbare, produktive
Sherri @ A Quilting Life
die Fat Quarter bald ihr eigen nennen darf. Es tut mir leid, dass nicht Euch allen ein Päckchen schicken kann...ich arbeite aber daran & werde demnächst mal Lotto spielen ;o).
I ask myself the whole day: how could that happen??? This is so typical for me, even though at the same time I'm not like that. What I mean? I've signed up for a Sunbonnet Sue Swap in January (please, please, don't laugh!) & in the beginning of this year I practised Appliqué on several blocks...then I somehow 'forgot' about it because I always thought that December is soooo far away. Well, I decided to start with my blocks next week (because of other commitments) thinking I would have plenty of time to get ready until December 31st. This is what I thought until this Morning as I re-read the thread on the bulletin board. Aaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrgggghh! The swap is due on December. 1st...and December, 1st is Monday
....{¿|¢¶“¡å≠øπ•ƒ∂‚å} !!!!{= insert me hopping up and down with a red face} How can anyone be convinced of a wrong dead line? Well, now I'll appliqué, appliqué and ...appliqué- instead of quilting my Cousin's birthday quilt {photo coming soon}. So embarrassing! Please, keep your fingers crossed that I'll have all 17 blocks ready in time. And now to the things you really want to read - my little giveaway is now closed and I've picked the winner. O.K., without further ado I announce that the wonderful, amazingly productive
soon owns the little bundle of fat quarters. I'm so sorry that I can't send of a parcel to everyone...but I'm working on that & I'll soon play lotto ;o). Sherri, please send me your snail mail address so I can send you your little prize!
Thanks for stopping by,

soon owns the little bundle of fat quarters. I'm so sorry that I can't send of a parcel to everyone...but I'm working on that & I'll soon play lotto ;o). Sherri, please send me your snail mail address so I can send you your little prize!
Thanks for stopping by,