Ordnung muss sein - auch wenn's langweilig ist... deswegen habe ich in stundenlanger abendlicher Wickelarbeit mein Stickgarn auf Kärtchen umgewickelt. Ich bin begeistert vom Ergebnis! Die Auswahl meiner Farben für Projekte geht zwar dadurch nicht schneller, ist aber nun seeehr viel bequemer ;o)
Everything needs its place - even when it's boring to get in place...that is why I worked for hours to wind up the embroidery thread on cardboard. I'm thrilled because of the result, though I don't think that choosing the right colors for my projects won't be faster, but much more comfortable ;o) Thanks for visiting, Julia
Everything needs its place - even when it's boring to get in place...that is why I worked for hours to wind up the embroidery thread on cardboard. I'm thrilled because of the result, though I don't think that choosing the right colors for my projects won't be faster, but much more comfortable ;o) Thanks for visiting, Julia
das ist eine gute Idee! Was für Kärtchen hast du genommen? LG Anja