Ich denke, ich werde den Block noch einmal nähen - und mir dann eine Methode überlegen, wie die markierten Linien auf dem Stoff bleiben (dass die Motive so merkwürdig aussehen, liegt nicht nur daran, dass ich noch nicht sticken kann, sondern auch daran, dass ich dies auch noch freihändig machen musste, da die Linien sofort wieder vom Stoff geschluckt wurden). Aber ich lerne fleißig weiter...;o)
After 3 gorgeous days in Tyrol I could finally do some stitches - and "treaded new trails" - to be honest, at this step all I do is completely new to me. But this was newer: I began with the BOM Bea created. I - who didn't ever ever embroidered one stitch - started my version as redwork on an old linen I bought at the fleamarket. But it drives me crazy - it buckles simply by looking at it.
I think I have to re-sew it (it's going to be a tradition) - and to think about a method how to fix the tracing lines on the fabric. The motif looks partly quite strange because I had to stitch "free motion" (the lines dissapeared before I reached them with the needle) and of course because I can't embroider yet - but I keep on learning ;o)