Monday, July 21, 2008


Dear Jan R. (WA, USA), Diane S. (PA, USA), Brigette M. (CA, USA), Anne D. (CA, USA) - the envelopes full of inspiration you've sent me arrived today. I'm beyond thrilled - this is definitely better than Christmas and my birthday together {I could get used to it *LOL*}. I'm sorry that I couldn't say "THANK YOU!" privatley by e-mail - perhaps you'll send me your addresses so I can do this properly...
I hope you'll read this and know that the mail arrived safely.

{I know this is my 50th post, but this doesn't really count as a post ;o)}


  1. Dear Julia- Glad the magazines arrived in good order. I would be happy to send you my e-mail address. Love your blog.
    I made a quilt of that same Winnie print for my nephew when he was born. Small world. Regards, Jan

  2. dear julia,
    i'm glad they arrived... i felt badly that i didn't have more to send since i'd just recently cleared out my sewing area. since it's only about 8 square feet,i have to keep it tidy! :)
    hope you're doing well.


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